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Truong Thai and Tram Nguyen love playing scratch & win games together.
In fact, the Victoria couple always buys two tickets of the same game together, and recently it was the $10 Cash Blast ticket that they chose to try their luck with.
Thai struck out, but Nguyen scratched her way to the game’s top prize of $500K.
She immediately called Thai to request a pick up from work, telling him quite bluntly that she was in such a state of shock that she couldn’t walk.
“I picked her up and brought the ticket home,” Thai recalled. “I had goosebumps, my jaw was wide open.”
Thai and Nguyen say they will celebrate their win with family and also plan to visit California to see Little Saigon.
When asked how it feels to win half-a-million dollars, Nguyen described it as “special.”
The winning ticket was purchased from the lotto kiosk inside Hillside Centre in Victoria.