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Babywearing: Why it's good for you and your baby

We carry babies for close to ten months while we are pregnant and during this time, babies are constantly being comforted by their mothers’ warmth and heartbeat. A baby carrier helps the transition to the world a little easier because it gives babies a chance to experience the same warmth and sounds outside of the womb.

As a new parent, here are a few more reasons why I have found babywearing a game-changer:

<who>Photo Credit: Contributed

You can get a few things done

You often have a baby in your arms or on your lap, especially during the first few months. Whether you are feeding or trying to soothe the baby, it’s hard to have hands-free time in the first little while after birth.

From doing laundry to unloading the dishwasher, being able to put my baby in a carrier allowed me to do light chores around the house. It’s astounding how many receiving blankets, burp cloths, and baby clothes end up lying around your living area with the arrival of a new baby, and a carrier gives you the freedom to tidy.

Even the previous simple task of messaging a friend is a challenge with one hand! Although you do learn to type while holding a baby in your arms, writing an email is a lot easier while carrying your baby so you can have full access to the keyboard.

It’s a great option for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding was not an easy feat to learn, and although it has gotten much easier in the last two months, I often still stress about breastfeeding in public.

However, my ring sling carrier has made it a bit easier as I can use the extra cloth on my sling as a nursing cover. It takes a bit of practice, but once you get a handle on it, breastfeeding with a sling carrier can help ease the anxiety about breastfeeding outside of the home.

If you’re looking for a Canadian company that makes ring slings, True North is based in southern Alberta and made by moms for moms! Whether you have a newborn or a toddler, these carriers can hold babies up to 35 lbs.

<who>Photo Credit: Contributed

You don’t need to bring the stroller

A stroller is a lot to carry around with you if you’re just planning to go out for a short while. I use my carrier when I’m just heading out to pick up the mail or if I am planning a short trip at the grocery store.

Hiking can also be much easier, especially if you’re planning to hike in the woods. It might be more comfortable for your baby to be carried instead of having to sit through a bumpy ride on rocky trails.

Your baby will get the best view of your world

If your baby is attached to you, they will get to experience the world just like you do. This will help with social development as they will get to hear and see everything that you encounter.

They might even cry less! A study published in 1986 concludes that mothers who carry their infants can reduce a baby’s fussiness in the first three months of life.

<who>Photo Credit: Contributed

If you decide that babywearing is for you, there are many different types of carriers including wraps, ring slings, and backpacks. Some carriers are size specific, while others are adjustable. Talk to other moms about their experiences, or check out Babywearing Okanagan’s Facebook page here.

Got a baby story idea? Reach out if you have topic suggestions for this column on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or email us at KelownaNow.

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